Herman Tortoise Care Sheet

The Herman Tortoise is a tortoise that has a mixed color of golden brown and dark rings or lines in black color. Their domed shell has scales that are spread fairly over the body to the back legs. The male Herman tortoises are smaller in size as compared to the female ones. The male tortoises also have a thicker tail than that from the female ones.  On average, the female tortoises can grow to 10 inches in length, with the males only about 5 inches.


These little tortoises are the residents of Mediterranean forests,
and arid grasslands. They are diminishing in number, however, and efforts are underway to save those of this species that are currently living in the wild.

As they are very slow to move, and cannot easily find green grass in the deserts and arid regions, their survival is very difficult in those harsh conditions. Efforts are been made by the wild life and marine preservers to save the Herman species.

Herman Tortoise Food

The Herman is basically an herbivore, as are most chelonians, and it likes to eat a variety of fresh green vegetables and some soft juicy fruits, also. They need large amounts of calcium in their bodies, for growth and hardening of the shell. They are also known for eating small insects, but generally they do not like them. They only eat them when they are hungry, and no fresh green grass is available nearby. There are certain toxic plants and herbs by which the tortoise can get ill or even die.


Their main predators are wild dogs, wolves, rats, weasels and badgers. They are especially at risk of being eaten when they are babies. Once their shell is hardened, they are then safe from some of the animals.


Tortoises live underground to keep themselves safe from the cruel winter environment. They will fast themselves for a couple of weeks before going into hibernation. They require fresh water for drinking.

In nature, theses animals dig themselves deep shelters, and live out the winter season in them. During this time, the tortoises slow down their heart beat and breathing rate below the normal condition, to hibernate.

For desert species, it is unlikely that they will hibernate. Hibernation occurs in areas where the temperature drops considerably in the winter.


Most male Herman tortoises are very aggressive with their females at the time of mating. The female Herman usually digs a small nest in a nearby shaded area, and lays about 3-12 eggs. The eggs take 90-120 days to hatch. The infant tortoises start to eat in a couple of days, and start moving in 3-4 weeks.

Some Quick Facts

  • The Hermann’s tortoise has a horn-shaped spike at the end of its tail.
  • Tortoises use the muscles of the first two legs to inhale and exhale the air through their lungs.
  • Surprisingly, tortoises are said to have been on this planet for about two hundred million years.

Some people love to have a pet that is different from their friends’ pets. From my point of view a tortoise, especially the Herman, would be an ideal pet for these kinds of animal lovers. In fact, to keep a cool and peaceful pet in your house the wise choice would be a Herman Tortoise.
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