Herman Tortoise Facts

The Herman tortoise has a beautiful golden brown color and has two dark stripes on the bottom of its shell. These lines are very bright, but they gradually become lighter as the turtle grows in age. These animals have a slightly crooked upper jaw, and like other tortoises, they also don’t have any teeth. The top of the shell, called the carapace has scales that extend over the rear legs and widens a little. The male turtles are usually smaller in size than females and have a relatively thicker tail.


Herman Tortoises are by and large small to medium in size and they come from to southern Europe. These animals live in holes that are usually protected by dense shrubbery. These creatures like to live in the Mediterranean forests and dry grasslands. However, it is very unlucky that much of its natural habitat has been lost due to the recent development.

The Herman Tortoise As A Pet

The Herman tortoise is very strong and sturdy creature, but needs a sunny and dry environment in its enclosure or cage. It can bear moisture better, so a damp room is well suited for it. These creatures hibernate in winters and added care should be taken to ensure its healthy hibernation. If the hibernation takes place while they are sick or ill, their chances of survival are very bleak.


Herman tortoise likes all kinds of herbivorous foods and fleshy vegetables. They decide what to eat with the help of their sense of smell. They also eat small insects such as slugs and snails, capturing them while in their enclosure.

Breeding Habits

Herman males are not as violent and tough as females. The females lay their eggs in clutches, and in domestic circumstances, they need to be incubated in a unique type of incubator. It is very important that the temperature is stable and is set at 91 degrees. The humidity should be 0-8%. The incubation period is usually 60-70 days.

Herman tortoises make very good pets provided that they have suitable housing. They like to eat plants and prefer to hide under dead leaves rather than digging burrows in the ground. Therefore, you must take steps for making a lot of hiding places inside the enclosure. Also make sure that you put suitable plants in the enclosure that are not toxic in order that your Herman tortoise remains in good health.
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