Horsefield Tortoise Care Sheet

The horsefield tortoise is a widely kept, fairly small reptile. Being a hardy species, they can tolerate both severe heat and cold temperatures.  It is said to be the tortoise of Asia.


The horsefield tortoise can primarily be found in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan, which is what gives it the substitute names of the Afghan or Steppe tortoise. They are a hibernating tortoise and are closely related to the Mediterranean species. Due to the rocky areas they inhabit in the wild, they are good climbers and diggers.

Sizes and Life Span

Generally with the tortoises, if these animals are properly cared for, they are supposed to have a lifespan of about 50 – 60 years. The adult male grows up to 6 or 7 inches (16cm) long and females up to 8 or 9 inches (20cm) long. Infants are usually put up for sale at about 4 inches (10cm) long, which would make them about 3 to 4 years old.

Diet Plan

Horsefield tortoises are a vegetarian species and must be fed a regular herbivore diet rich in fiber. Although a herbivore, it does not like to graze. They like fresh green vegetables and fruits, tomatoes and some types of flowers, such as nasturtiums. Never feed these creatures animal protein.


During the breeding season, which can occur four times a year, the female tortoise will lay 3- 5 eggs at a time. For the purpose of incubation, the temperature should be maintained at around 80 degrees centigrade with a humidity factor of about 70-80 percent. Hatching will be observed after three months. Mating processes usually take place in the middle of the year. One should monitor the mating process because males can harm the females.


Horsefield tortoises, as any Mediterranean tortoises, must hibernate even in captivity, just as they would hibernate in the wild. The conditions must match their natural environment as closely as possible. Small tortoises should hibernate for a shorter time period than larger ones. An adult tortoise can hibernate for up to three months.

For this purpose, do not give your tortoise food for two three weeks before you plan to put him down to hibernate. Provide proper water facilities and correct temperature zones.

Fundamentals of Keeping a Pet

This species has a high tolerance of both severe heat and intense cold, and in the wild they protect themselves by hibernation. To keep at home, it is important to provide a very secure pen as these tortoises are very sprightly and like to escape. They are capable of burrowing underground tunnels several meters long. They are also like to climb. These tortoises require a heated environment for overcast, cooler days and the periods before and after hibernation. It is also essential to provide an outdoor pen, with access to natural grazing. During the winter they may get pneumonia, so proper heating arrangements should be provided for them. To keep a tortoise like the horsefield, experience with exotic pets is required.

A horsefield pet tortoise needs proper attention and care to survive. It is extremely important for you to supply all the basic needs for your pet. The above mentioned information will be worthwhile for any one wanting to keep a horsefield tortoise.
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