Tortoise Diet Information

It is important to have all the information you can about tortoise diet. Tortoises are sensitive when it comes to diet, and a lifetime of an improper diet for a tortoise could mean cutting their life expectancy in half, or worse. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be problems if they’re not given the proper supplements, and anything from diarrhea to renal failure can occur if they’re not given the proper foods.

Most tortoises live in regions where the soil is rich in calcium. Calcium is extremely important for shell formation, growth, and continued health. There are few foods that you can feed your tortoise that contain the amount of calcium that tortoises need, so be sure to provide it either in a supplement form, or as a cuttlebone. It is also a good idea to give other vitamins and minerals, at the direction of your veterinarian.

As with every living creature, water is essential to survival. You should always have fresh drinking water available for your tortoise. It is also very good for tortoises to give them baths or allow them to soak in lukewarm water. This allows them to soak some of the water directly into their skin and keep their skin nice and hydrated.

Most tortoises are exclusively herbivores. That means they should only be fed plants. There are some types of tortoise that does occasionally eat slugs or snails, so be sure that you know your tortoise’s exact requirements before feeding it something other than plants. Plants are high in fiber, which is what the tortoise really needs in order to stay healthy. Animals contain protein, which is not good for tortoises.

Because wild tortoises would be able to eat large amounts of fresh greens, giving your captive tortoise fresh greens is best. There are a number of leafy greens that are great for tortoises. Turnip greens, carrot greens, dandelion leaves, kale, and collard greens are all options. You can also feed them regular vegetables as a treat such as green beans, carrot shavings, and corn.

Some types of tortoises, especially those from tropical and sub-tropical regions, eat fruit as a part of their diet. If you have one of these types of tortoises, you can feed it fruit from time to time. Be sure you know that fruit is safe for your tortoise before feeding it to him or her, as fruit can be bad for tortoises that would not normally eat it as a part of their regular diet.
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