Popular Water Turtles

Water turtles are very popular as pets today. There are many different kinds that you can get as a pet, and they are all a little different, so be sure you consider your options and research every species carefully before you bring one into your home.

Some water turtles are considered to be aquatic, which means that they are designed specifically for living only in water. These types of turtles will usually only go on land to lay their eggs. The other type of water turtle is a semi-aquatic turtle. This type of turtle is also designed for living in the water, but is also equipped to spend some time on land, not only to lay eggs, but also to eat.

One of the most popular pet water turtles is the Painted Turtle. They are very pretty, with yellow and red stripes on their face and legs, and different designs on the bottom of their shells. This and their smaller size is what makes them ideal for keeping as pets. Within the Painted Turtle species, there are four different sub-species, the Southern Painted Turtle, the Eastern Painted Turtle, the Western Painted Turtle, and the Midland Painted Turtle. The species can interbreed, which mixes their different patterns to create even more original-looking turtles.

A lesser-known type of water turtle is the African Side-Necked Turtle, which is also known as the African Mud Turtle. They have a pug nose and a mouth that curves upward into a “smile,” which gives them a very cute look. There are 15 sub-species available that are all different sizes.

The Red Eared Slider Turtle is considered to be the most popular pet water turtle today. They get their name for the red stripe they have along their ears. They are very low-maintenance and hardy, which is what makes them great pets. They are also a smaller breed of water turtle. They are calm and quite tame by nature, and do very well in captivity.

Turtles have long life spans, and can even outlive their owners if they are kept well. It’s important to remember this when considering bringing a turtle into your home. Turtles do not generally require a lot of care and their omnivorous nature make them easy to feed, but their longevity makes them a long-term commitment type of pet. Be sure that you have fully researched the care that is required for water turtles before bringing one into your home.

Water turtles cover a broad range of species. Any turtle that spends the majority of its time in the water is considered a water turtle. The kind of water can be creeks, ponds, lakes, rivers, bogs, marshes, streams or even the oceans.

Although water turtles mostly stick to water, they may go on land to find food or eat. They may spend hours out of the water, basking in the sun. They also bury their eggs on land, like all other species of turtles. Of course, the seven species of Sea Turtles fall into this category as well.

All water turtles have shorter legs with webbed feet. They tend to be wetter in general. Their shells are flatter to allow them to cut through the water more easily. Of course, they are all natural swimmers as well. Baby water turtles instinctively know how to swim when they enter the water. Some types of water turtles prefer faster moving water, such as that in a river. Others like to stick with slower moving water, as in a pond or creek.

The most physically unique species of water turtle are the Soft Shelled Turtles. They have strange snouts rather than the normal noses or beaks that other turtles have. The Florida Soft Shell Turtle and the Spiny Soft Shell Turtle are two examples of Soft Shells. The Common Snapping Turtle, the Argentine Snake-neck Turtle, the Pig Nose Turtle and the Matamata Turtle all have features that make them unusual.

Other species of water turtles include painted turtles, Red-Eared Sliders, African Side-necked Turtle, Yellow Belly Slider, Map Turtles, Musk Turtles, Spotted Turtles, River Cooter, Florida Cooter, Chicken Turtle and the Black Wood Turtle.

Water turtles have several diseases that commonly plague them. Some examples include shell rot, respiratory infections, swollen ears, septicemia, mouth rot, Salmonellosis, blood parasites and swollen eyes. So while water turtles may be fascinating to observe, it’s a good idea to be careful about handling them. You never know what disease you might be picking up and sharing with others. Of course, there are some water turtles, like the Common Snapping Turtle, that you probably don’t want to try touching unless you absolutely have to.

There are a lot of species of turtles that fall into the category of water turtles. Finding them near water is a good indication that they are some type of water turtle. If you are purchasing on in the store, be sure to look at its feet to see if they are webbed. That way, you will know if the turtle you bought needs a more aquatic environment. Wash your hands after handling a turtle to prevent spreading the many diseases they may be carrying. Above all, enjoy water turtles and the uniqueness they bring.
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